Wednesday, May 02, 2007

Like McAdams loves Gosling

It's weird how opportunities work themselves out, when you look at things from a certain perspective.

I'm a really lucky fucker in a lot of ways. Dues have been paid, make no mistake, but I'm a lucky fucker.

I forget that sometimes. But that's the very thing.

I'm at the top of the Food Chain, and by that I mean I've pretty much gone as far as one goes in the Food and Beverage industry while still being an employee and not an employer. I've reached the pinnacle of the "Would you like Fries with That?" game. There are people who make more than I do, but not many, and by and large it's one of the cooler places to work.

But it used to be so much cooler. So very much cooler.

It really did, that's not just a perspective thing. I'm not going to get into the laundry list, tempting as that is, but much has soured there. Yet, it is still a kick ass job. When I hear what people make at other places, man, I don't get out of bed for that kinda pay.

But it's all becoming clear now. All that souring, it's just oil on the Golden Handcuffs people. Those Golden Shackles are loosening, I can feel it, I can see it.

I used to really like going to work. Why, as good as it was, would I ever leave? Now that they have sapped the love out of my work place, and I truly used to love the place, but now that they robbed it of that, I have more motivation to find my way out, to move on. Oh, I fought, hell, I could have chosen a different career path and maybe won that fight, but I would have lost everything else. So glad I didn't do that. Now, I can still work at a kick ass place, yet I can be motivated by the sheer, ugh, clusterfuck of crappola now permeating the joint's very pores to go bigger and better, in whole new realms of work and career.

Kind of a great deal, if you think about it.

It doesn't have to totally suck, but it gets to suck just enough to motivate me elsewhere.

Hell, I got to wait on Chris Parnell tonight. He was eating dinner before going across the street to watch Elvis Costello. Sorry, that's pretty fucking cool.

If you don't know who Chris Parnell is, go check out Lazy Sunday right now. (No, bitch, I said Right Now.) If you don't know who Elvis Costello is, do a little research on a Decade know as The Eighties.


Anonymous said...

Best post ever!

RobNoxious said...

Someone learned how to use an RSS feed, it looks like. I don't think you even had time to read the post before you got your fucking comment in there, did you?

Anonymous said...

Puh-lease, this ain't Hatter the Luddite, I'm quite capable of using an RSS feed.

I manually check blognoxious though, and I found the placeholder post to be informative as hell.

Sucks to hear that your job is losing its luster.