Friday, May 18, 2007

Mt. Saint Helen's Day.

Today was Mount Saint Helens' Day. I bet you had no fucking idea, did you? Unless, maybe, you live in the Northwest, and even then, probably fucking not.

We had just moved to Oregon when the fucking Mountain blew up, I was just a kid. I remember I woke up and looked outside, everything was covered in light grey ash, and I thought it had snowed..

I knew Oregon was going to be colder than California, but this was ridiculous.

"Did it snow? What? Ash? What do you mean it's Ash? A WHAT? A Volcano Erupted? Are you kidding me? I thought Volcanoes were in Hawaii..." Were the hell do we live now? Rains all the damn time, the beaches are rocky, cold and hurt your feet, and they got fucking Volcanoes? You gotta be fucking kidding me.

These were my ten year old thoughts on the matter, I remember it pretty clearly. Happy Mount St. Helens' Day. Where were you when the Mountain Blew?

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