Saturday, March 04, 2006


It seems most regularly updated Blogs follow a five day a week schedule. This hadn't occured to me when I started this, but it's beginning to make sense to me now.

This is where it gets so weird it laps itself and returns to normal. My personal schedule is far removed from a Monday through Friday kind of thing, and has been for many years. Therefore, on the surface, Blogging M-F wouldn't seem logical in my case. However, Friday night tends to be a long night at work, making me tired and lazy on Saturday, and Sunday, while it's my day off, I usually have quite a bit on my agenda.

Every other week, I game on Sundays, as a matter of fact. Gaming being something I've intended to cover here, this also might seem counter-intuitive, but it actually cuts directly into the time I might otherwise be Blogging.

So, whatever, I think I'm going to try a Monday thru Friday Blog schedule. I could have just said that, but hey, this one's a freebie anyway. See you Monday.

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